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Is remote work the new normal? Is it works for all?

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The coronavirus epidemic Covid-19 is gone, with a positive or negative impact, permanently on our society and health. However, perhaps the biggest impact this year and a half has been on how the offices and facilities work, and perhaps a little bit about the type of work itself. Since space work is so common today and in the past, much has been said about how the "new standard" of homework affects productivity and output. Now, two different groups of economists have led the survey independently and published the same papers. But what they have found offers very different perspectives on remote work.

According to a report in The Atlantic, papers published by two economists on the impact of remote work do not provide a clear answer as to whether remote work is better than their official position. The first group looked at an unnamed Asian technology company that traveled far and wide during the violence. It did not meet the expected growth rates; instead, productivity declined, uninterrupted working hours decreased, and teaching evaporated. There is every chance that everything could have been worsened.

On the other hand, the second cohort conducted a survey in the United States of 30,000 people a few months ago and found that, rather, people were “extremely satisfied” with their homework experience. The authors of the paper even predict that the practice of remote work will continue even after the epidemic, noting that "productivity will increase in the post-epidemic economy, thanks to reorganization".

So why are these two surveys so different from their conclusions? Does that mean that one of them is wrong or both are wrong is wrong? There may not be a clear answer that remote work is ‘better than any of its alternatives, but the report provides interesting start-ups.

As per the report, it is clearly defined "winners" and "losers" of home-based transformation. Defeated, not unexpectedly, people are not good at using online tools to communicate, but also with other groups - such as entry-level employees and homeowners and businesses in the city. Therefore, the winners, the newcomers who do well in the long run, and the highest-paid employees in highly profitable companies.

Not surprisingly, highly profitable companies are considering a permanent switch to long-term employment. It is reported that Big Tech companies such as Google and Facebook include a mixed working week, with a portion of their employees working permanently - from home. Who benefits from this program? This answer is not so difficult to come by. White workers, especially the highest-paid men in their 30s and 40s, are happier than any other group working from home. "Then, the ones who are most likely to succeed in the long-term transformation of work, are those who, economically, have already won," the report said.

On the other side of the spectrum, entry-level employees, new employees, and youth with no better sense of the workplace. The report points out that the "transformation" of working from home, as it is called, favors a class of college students as graduates are more likely to have better working experience far compared to people with higher degrees. -cool qualifications.


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