Advt.No. - 54/2022 1. Name of the Post: Director (Projects) 2. no of post - 01 3. Qualification: The applicant should be a Civil Engineering graduate with a good academic record from a recognized University/Institution. Applicants holding MBA/Technical qualifications will have added advantages. 4. Experience: The applicant should have technical/operational experience/exposure at a senior level of management of at least 5 years during the last 10 years in Construction/Technical Consultancy Service preferably in Railway Sector, in an organization of repute . Age Limit: On the date of occurrence of vacancy (DOV) - Age of superannuation 60 years: Internal: Minimum - 45 years, Maximum: 2 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation.; Others: Minimum - 45 years, Maximum: 3 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation.