No of Post - 01, Age - Not more than 30 years, Pay - Level 07 of pay under VII pay commission. Educational Qualification - Graduate from a recognized University (preferably in commerce) with SAS or 3 months training in cash and accountancy conducted by 1 STM. 3 years of experience in accounts and Audit. Knowledge of work experience of Government rules and regulations. Additional Qualification - Knowledge of computers. Important Information - It is intended to fill the above posts on regular basis at this Institute. 2. All the details furnished in the offline application will be treated as final and no changes shall be entertained and Director, AIISII has all the rights to cancel the advertisement without any prior intimation. 3. Applications without photograph. Signature and necessary Marks cards, Degree certificates, Age proof, Age Relaxation in support of their application, certificates in support of claim for exemption under OBC/SC/ST/EWS Category, Certificate of disability, No Objection certificates (wherever applicable) shall be summarily rejected. This shall also be applicable to the candidates working in All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore. 4. The prescribed Essential Qualifications/Educational qualifications are a bare minimum and mere possession of it, will not entitle the candidates to be The candidates should furnish all the Qualifications considered for the post. and Experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed for consideration of their candidature. 5. The Off-line application has to be invariably accompanied with a 'No Objection Certificate' from the employer concerned, by those who are already in employment under Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies, duly indicating the name and post applied for on the reverse. 6. Employees Under Disciplinary Proceedings: Employees against whom disciplinary Proceedings are pending or contemplated shall not be considered for appointment on Deputation/Foreign service. 7. The scales of pay notified are as per 7th CPC Recommendations. 8. The posts carry usual allowances i.e., DA, IIRA, and TA etc., as admissible to Central Government employees posted at Mysore. 9. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained through recognized Universities/ Institutions. 10. Candidates are encouraged to apply for posts reserved for the respective category by enclosing appropriate certificates issued by competent authorities. 11. The schedule regarding the written skill test/ practical skill test/ interview et., and subsequent results will be published in the AIISH website. 12. As per Government of India orders, interviews for posts in Group B & C are dispensed with. The selection for these posts will be based on merit in the essential qualification. The results of the skill test / written test if conducted, in such cases, will only be qualifying in nature and merit in the essential qualification would form the basis for selection. 13. Candidates should mention postcode and name of the post in their application form with passport size photo affixed and the photocopies of all educational qualification certificates/ experience certificates/DOB proof with self- attested. Otherwise, the application will be rejected. 14. In case of submission of multiple applications for the same post, the last application submitted before the last date shall be considered for further processing. 15. Candidates applying for more than one post should submit separate application for each post indicating the name of the post and postcode in each application applied for. 16. The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be reckoned from the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualification prescribed for the post and will be reckoned as on the last date prescribed for receipt of Applications. 17. The competent authority has the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reasons. 18. The competent authority reserves the right not to fill all or any of the posts mentioned in the advertisement. 19. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post. 20. Candidates should submit applications for the post super-scribing the name of the post and postcode applied for on the envelop. 21. The last date of receipt of application is 30.03.2021 at 5.30PM 22. The appointment of the selected candidates is subject to being found medically fit as per the requirements of the Institute. 23. Interim enquiries and other enquiries will not be attended to. 24. Applications in respect of candidates involved in court cases will not bc entertained. Apply Procedure - The application may be downloaded from our website b) Interested candidates who meet the requirement, may send their Applications along with Self attested copies of Matriculation / SSLC / Diploma/ Degree / Provisional Degree Certificate(s) and all relevant Mark sheets for all the Semesters / Years, SC/ST/OBCEWS Certificate, and other testimonials in support of experience, etc., (Applications received without copies of any semester mark cards, Degree certificate, date of birth proof, OBC/SC/ST/EWS certificates relevant to the essential qualifications will be summarily rejected) to Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006 on or before 30.03.2021 at 5.30 PM. c) Application fee of Rs.100/- for General Category candidates, OBC, EWS candidates and Rs.40/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST Categories. Women and P WD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. d) Application forms without the prescribed Application fees, DD.No & date, after receiving the last date are liable to be rejected. e) Applications received after the last date or with insufficient information would not be considered. Payment of Application Fee: By way of Demand Draft in favor of Director, AIISII, Mysore. The Candidates should mention the prescribed application fee details in the Application also. For notification follow link -